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TextLocalizer can be installed on any Javascript/Typescript project. To install it, simply open the terminal in your project's folder and install the library using yarn:

yarn add text-localizer

or with npm:

npm install text-localizer


If you're using React or React Native you can always install text-localizer in the way mentioned above, but there are portings already made that can help you manage TextLocalizer in your project without extra work.


The react-text-localizer package simply wraps TextLocalizer in a React Context Provider and provides some supporting hooks. In order to install it run on your terminal:

yarn add react-text-localizer

or with npm:

npm install react-text-localizer

React Native#

The React Native solution exports the entire react-text-localizer and adds the getPlatformLanguage method. getPlatformLanguage allows you to know the language set by the user on the iOS/Android Platforms.

In order to do this, it uses Native Modules. Therefore this package works only for React Native projects initialized with react-native-cli. If you're using Expo you can still use one of the two approaches presented above.

Then you can install the package from the terminal with yarn:

yarn add react-native-text-localizer

or with npm:

npm install react-native-text-localizer